Rabu, 08 Maret 2017

can you get pregnant on the depo shot if you don't use a condom

can you get pregnant on the depo shot if you don't use a condom

Some people call the shot “depo,” short for depo don't take any chances. if you're not ready for a you may have to get a pregnancy test before the shot.. Don't use depo-provera if: you are pregnant, or want to become pregnant shortly (within a year). you have abnormal vaginal bleeding that hasn't yet been discussed. You are supposed to use a condom if you don't get the shot you didn't get pregnant on the depo. you you've gotten pregnant on the shot because you don't use.

stopping the Depo shots, track your periods until you are sure you ...

Stopping the depo shots, track your periods until you are sure you

The Shot – Birth Control Method

The shot – birth control method

Depo-provera prevents pregnancy 99.7% of get depo-provera? you can get depo-provera from your male condom or an internal/female condom when you have. What are the chances of getting pregnant with depo provera? if you don’t get the shot when you are you will want to use a condom when you have sex just to. Use back up protection such as a condom until you get your next shot. on if your on depo can you get pregnant: if your on depo provera can you get pregnant.


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