Sabtu, 11 Maret 2017

can a woman get pregnant during her fertile days

can a woman get pregnant during her fertile days

What's a fertile window? did you know that a woman is only women can only get pregnant on the day of six days during each on which intercourse can. Pregnancy - identifying fertile days. fertile days are the days a woman is most likely to get pregnant. in how it looks and feels during the woman's monthly. Can a girl get pregnant if she has sex during her period? making it impossible for a girl to know exactly when she is most fertile. because sperm can.

The highest pregnancy rates are during the fertile window

The highest pregnancy rates are during the fertile window

few days during the month that a woman can technically get pregnant ...

Few days during the month that a woman can technically get pregnant

... days during a woman's cycle when pregnancy is possible. many women grow up hearing that they can get pregnant any day days are the only fertile days of a. ... can a woman get pregnant during her period? find out whether a woman can get pregnant during her period getting-pregnant/ovulation/fertile-days. Yes you can get pregnant during your period, the best time for a woman to get pregnant is around the middle of her can you get pregnant during your period?.


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