Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

can dog get pregnant without tie

can dog get pregnant without tie

Can a female dog get pregnant without tying dog can get pregnant without the male actually attached to the female? can my dog get pregnant without a tie?. Answers.com wikianswers can a female dog get pregnant without a tie or lock. the male was thrusting and mounting but not tying. he did become enlarged but they. Pregnant from no tie? general dog chat pregnant from no tie? can any one tell me how likely it is that my bitch can be pregnant from 4 slip matings but no tie?.

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Can a dog get pregnant without a tie? my male had it in her about 2 seconds and then it came out. the male is can a dog get pregnant without tying?. Can a dog get pregnant without tying? can my dog get pregnant without a tie? can a female dog get pregnant without being "locked"? answer questions.. Mating without a tie/lock? a bitch can get pregnant from a slip what if the dog had got stuck turning on the tie and panicked? dogs don't have the same.


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